Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sekolahku, tempatku

1) Which school did you go to?
Tadika Sayangku
| 1996-1997|

| 1998-2003|

| 2004 [satu sem]|

MRSM Terendak

MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba

2) What classes were you in?
SKTTDIJaya | 5 Baiduri & 6 Baiduri, yang lain lupa|

MRSMTDK |1A1|2A1|3A1|

MRSMTGB |411|511|

3) What was/were your favourite lesson(s)?
Primary |maths & science|

Secondary |Math Mod|Add Math|yg lain ok jer.|

4) If you could remember, what time was your recess?
|masa kelas tasawwur *boleh tidur, haha|kelas BM pun kadang² tidur|EST = Extra Sleeping Time| of course setiap petang & setiap kali waktu prep!!|

5) List down your favourite food/snacks.
|kalau dekat TDK=ikan keli masak lemak cili api|TGB = ayam black papper|


1) Did you have a nickname way back in high school?
|yokies|telur *baja ar nih!|

2) How did you wear your socks?
pakai guna tangan, bukan guna mulut

3) Have you been suspended due to the way you put on your uniform?
|waktu sekolah rendah, lupa bawa tie, kena tarik muscle dekat bahu *sakit cikgu!!!|sekolah menengah aku memang selalu *encem|

4) Were you given plenty of reminders about your appearance?
takder plak, aku sentiasa smart!~

5) Who did you look up to when you were in high school?
erm, aku x pandang atas, aku pandang bawah jer.. semua orang rendah! haha


1) Name one memorable scene where you were punished in front of the whole class.
|okeh, aku sayang betul cekgu Amin, masa f4 kena berdiri luar kelas sebab x siap karangan!! weyh, aku busy arr.. x paham ke?? ak BWP.. haha *alasan.|mase primary school, aku kantoi tiru mase quiz subjek english!!, terus kena berdiri dekat luar pakai board, "saya meniru".!! *malu siot.|

2) How many times did you skip class? What were you doing?
x terkira untuk kelas tasawwur, aku ngantuk gle, nseb baik dpt A1. Alhamdulillah, ustaz x marah pun escape, utk adek2 f5, korang pun boleh escape jugak! haha..

3) Give one scene where you escaped from being caught/punished.
aku rase memang slalu kantoi, xdenye terlepas..

4) Did you vandalize any school property?
pernah mse f1, ktorg duduk bangunan sementara, macam duduk rumah setinggan, after siap je kelas baru, terus kick kayu² dinding sampai pecah.. bukan aku sorang je buat eyh, ramai lg..
safwan kaw buat skali x ?? haha *sori.

6) Did you ever make any teacher cry?
cry ?? macam x plak, cekgu buat aku menangis ade lah.. ustazah elyana kasik aku 4 markah je utk course work!!! x patut, bru first time x hantar keje..!! *kejam gle..

7) Who were your favourite teachers?
MRSMTDK |ckg aziz|us wahab|us azhar *tp aku risau kelas arab, slalu fail|

MRSMTGB |ckg suhaily|ckg suriana|ckg noreen|ust elyana *tersenarai|ckg ju|ckg ahmad|ckg zie|cik aemy|semualah|

8) Who was the funniest/weirdest/loudest teacher?
Funniest |ak x thu la..

Weirdest | en amirullah * waaa.. maafkan saya.


1) Were you popular back then?
MRSMTGB|aku BWP, femes ke ?? second highest vote tuh!! *sorry korg kalu x ske aku...|

2) Were you in a big group of boys/girls or small ones?
small je

3) Who were your best friends?
sume kwn2 aku..

4) Did you and your friends have nicknames

5) What were you favourite memories of you and your friends?
ble mengata orang!~


1) What type of CCA were you in?
mcm nak buat resume jer, byk doh.

SKTTDIJaya |ketua darjah|pps|pms|long distance|4x200| *dlu aku kuat lari ek!!~

MRSMTDK |pres. h/r|ldp|koopers|sidrek|olimpiad math|choral speakin'|tunas saintis|silat|kuiz math & science melaka|

MRSMTGB |bwp|pres brass band|drama team|

2) What did you have to bring to your CCA?
bawak diri

3) What did your CCA required you to do?
jalankan kerja

4) Got injured?
x, tapi buat penat badan.


1) How did high school changed you?
makin le, aku mkin berani *bolehlah, korang tau ape..

2) Sing one verse of your school song.
"wahai putera puteri bangsaku", sedapnye..

3) What was your favourite question?
weh, ble kelas nak habis ??

4) Who/what will you remember from your high school?
Memori byk..

5) Any memories you will not forget.
nanti aku cite...

Lepas nie tak merasa dah semua.. memori memori :(


Anonymous said...

mentang2 nk bwat reu kls nxt week
dan2 kaw post psl skola
feelg ka??

mufazai said...

haha, taw xpe.
rindu 3A1!~
jap².. kaw nih spe ??
tulis la nme kalo yer pon. *agaga

cik bulan said...

aku pun rindu 3A1 fariz huhu

Anonymous said...

eh..sory x wat la yg dinding kelas sementare tuh...seingat aq la..

mufazai said...

haha, tulun la moon.
ak tahu kaw mmg sntiase ad kt mne2
bulan & bintang,

anonymous : kaw mesti safwan. haha, brani kaw tipu. kaw buat skali *agaga.. memandai jer aku.

Ruzaini M. said...

aww...fariz!! i vote for u okie!

err,safwan? adakah??? :p

mufazai said...

ninie!, thx for the vote..
tnpe anda, siapalah sy!! haha *ayt org femes.

safwan ?? *sorilah.. nme kaw femes gak kt sini.


Anonymous said...

ske gler weyh!!!
part kau pndang ke bwh 2h tipu gler!!!
ye arh!!!
ngn ak kau pndang straight jewr kn!!!

mufazai said...

of course la,
kte nih golongan org atasan (tinggi)


klu x, mmg sakit leher dibuatnye pandang ke bawah!~