Monday, June 22, 2009


aku happy!!!

bukan sebab dapat masuk

tapi, kawan-kawan aku yang x dapat MARA dulu
dia dapat KMB~~~

so makin bertambah rakyat tgb.

Syahid Haqeem & Haziq Tajuddin

dua-dua nih memang power dari aku,
ini aku tak boleh challenge. seriously

and tadi, my last time

tanak nasi

jemur baju

kemas rumah

& macam-macam

mak aku pun buat pulut durian tadi,
hoho.. macam nak gi overseas jer.
harap2 camtuhlah..


maxman said...

waaaaa. aku pon da merasa bahang keseronokan ko ni. haha. aku pon jadi tak saba2. hahah. Well, let see if KMB is really that b***.. heeeeee:D. GOODLUCK PAL. haha. nnt lg 2thn mak ko pack rendang, gulai ayam lak utk ko. haha

azrul said...

syahid haqeem yang gelap2,krus2 yer??
km salam kat dye ye??:D

AdibaRahman said...

sadis la aku dgr kau ckp mcm tu.
insyaAllah, harap semua rakyat KMB batch kita flyy :)

Anonymous said...

kem slm ar kat klsmet aku tuh..
pulut durian??
huih,,sedap siott..
adeh,,kempunan aku..

fariza hani said...

mak ak buat wajik durian..
*xde kene mengene*..

mufazai said...

hahaha, shikin! kte stuggle kuat2 lah ek. expect the unexpected!

azrul, die xde la hitam mne, tp still kurus.

yeah adeeb, mari kte struggle,
igt mengingati.

okay mynamyra, i will.

haha, fariza, ade la skit kne mengena.

Anonymous said...

Be prepared for IB in KMB...
Don't feel too happy before you actually faced the real situation in here...
You will be bz with other things outside the class..
Just be prepared mentally and physically with the hectic life at KMB..
-ur senior from tgb an senior-to-be at KMB...

humbleServant said...

aku sajer nak komen
jom jumpa kat kmb

mufazai said...

thx senior,

Norain Ishak said...

all de best!

muzikali said...

smoge b'jaya yea yokies!haha
aku minggu depan baru gerak.

Anonymous said...

bestnyer u guys!!
dunt forget me taw...
u 4get me..
i'll kill u...
seriously happy 4 u larh fariz...
after all da menggelabah x tntu psal..
u r really going to KMB!!!!
CONGRATZ MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!