Saturday, June 04, 2011

Interview Otago

salam :)

mengarutnya aku tulis blog selama nih. nampak langsung tak matang, tapi memang pun ; p. tak mengutuk, mencaci, tak mencaci, menonggeng. haish -.-'. takpe, now topik serius sikit, maklumlah, tak ada placement lagi, mesti kena serius.

lepas habis exam besar international bacalaureatte yang dibangga-banggakan tuh, penaja hantar aku pergi birotatanegara. and lepas habis benda alah nih, kena interview otago university. macam-macam benda nak kena buat, tapi tak ada masa nak prepare.

so after btn, aku pun stay secara haram dekat kmb. nasib baik ada member-member lain. nih kerja haram kedua aku buat lepas keluar secara haram setiap minggu untuk balik rumah. ;) and ada lagi kerja haram lain, tapi berdosa tulis dekat sini. hehe.

so pagi hari sabtu, pukul 8.45 am pagi dah tunggu dekat concourse. nampak saudara Fakar bersama ibunya. siap offer nak makan apa lagi, baik betul. pukul 9.00 am masuk bilik mesyuarat. beberapa minit lepas tuh agent dari Selset, Mr Michael dengan Interviewew Dr Warwick pun masuk. Adalah sikit briefing dari Dr Warwick pasal New Zealand.

Banyak juga yang interviewer tuh dok explain, tapi ada yang aku dok angguk kepala je. tanye orang sebelah, die pun tak faham sangat. actually aku duduk jauh sikit dari interviewer tuh, sebab tuh tak berapa nak dengar celoteh dia.

then, pukul 10.50 Dr Warwick suruh candidate seramai sepuluh orang buat essay pasal "What is a Good Health Profession'. Paling best dalam masa sepuluh minit je. Memang terbaik, dengan kepala otak aku kosong waktu tuh, plus english confirm rasa macam tunggang langgang, tapi alhamdulillah dapatlah buat satu kertas A4.

then lepas buat essay, seorang demi seorang pergi interview sementara yang lain tunggu dekat bilik mesyuarat. And aku orang yang ketiga. memang the first person yang pergi interview itu (name not to be mentioned here) balik bilik mesyuarat dengan muka sangat tension. dia tiba-tiba bagitau kitorang soalan yang dia kena tanya masa interview. at the same time agent tuh dok pelik tengok gelagat member sorang nih, actually waktu tuh agent tengah dok bercerita dengan candidates yang lain.

so tibalah giliran aku pulak. masuk je bilik interview, aku bagi curriculum vitae yang aku dah prepare. Dr Warwick sangatlah suka sebab aku prepare something before interview. Then, dia minta kebenaran daripada aku untuk baca essay yang aku buat tadi. At the same time dia ada garis-garis sikit and aku pun cuak je, garis grammatical error or isi aku?

then dia pun start asking question mana aku tinggal before dia continue tanya based on essay aku. Since aku banyak cakap pasal a good communicators dalam essay, dia pun ada bagi dua situation and macam mana cara untuk aku overcome masalah tuh.

(basically what you need to know is how to handle a real life situation based on ethics semua tuh - not all being ask with this kind of question)

next, dia tanya aku nak specialize dalam ape, lepas tuh dia tanya why we should choose you, what you do in your spare time, boleh ke belajar fizik balik, and macam mana kalau waktu sembahyang jumaat ada kelas. so ini jelah soalan yang dia tanya.tapi, mine was like lama jugak, orang lain dok pelik awat laaa lame sangat dalam bilik interview.

and kat bawak nih adalah soalan-soalan yang aku dapat kumpul daripada senior ;)

Salam fariz,

Interview x susah. Slalunye Dr. Warwick Brunton yg akan interview. He is very fatherly. Inteview die agak lame gak ar. Dlm 8 to 10 questions and around 15-20 minutes or more. x sure plak. Soalan die based on my experience mase tanye beberape seniors dlu, mmg sjibik.. x ubah pon. Like mine:

1) what health means to u? (one and only unexpected question)
2) what if ur class clash with friday prayers? (pape pon utk questions ni, kene ckp yg kau xkan ponteng kelas, mcm2 reasons org bagi, ade yg kate belajar is a part of our duty, ade yg ckp pasal 3 kali solat jumaat tu, kalau miss xpe. so nti alternate. ade yg ckp mintak change wktu class streaming)
3) what if u hv to work in pairs involving physical contact with other opposite sex student? how to treat opposite sex patient who refused to be treated? etc... 
4) describe urself briefly/shortly/in 5 words/in 3 words/etc
5) How do u usually overcome stress?
6) What challenges u might expect when u are in nz?
7) How do u see yourself in next 5 or 10 years?
8) what specialties u wud be interested to do and why?
9) soalan2 klise lain: why medicine? why otago and stuff..
10) ethics.. em cam yg atas2 ni lah. kebanyakannya ethics psal being a student je. medical student to be specified. pasal real docotr life ni x sgt kot. tp prepare je lah. 

so far, yg ni je ak dpt ingat. If there summore, I'l email to u later.

essay. ade 3 prior tu inteview. ni boleh goreng kot. especially on ethics. give ur own views. 
before interview nti die akan suruh buat short essay gak. around 15/20 minutes. Last time I had to do an essay bout the advantages studying in overseas. Topic die general. So shudn't be worry to much.

People kt NZ very friendly. depend la. so far ok jer. xde masalah. lifestyle teenagers diorg kt sini weekdays study weekend drunk. Kt sini ramai gak Malaysians. ade postgrade, senior2 kmb yg amek medic, from intec and other places byk pharmacy, dentist. medic pon ade. So to adapt with life kt sini x susah since ade byk senior yg akan membantu. Before proceed to medicine, kene buat health sc dlu. Since my batch la die buat feb intake. no more july. sbenarnye in terms of time mgkn rugi sket, other uni uk ireland etc sume dh start medicine and we have to have to wait till feb to come and then doing health sc dlu which more or less lebih kurang ib. But maybe there some good point that we might not even know melainkan Allah. walllahualam. insyaAllah.. =)



you are more than welcome to ask questions.. =)
ni km batch 09/11 ke?
nanti aku tulis info yang probably membantu kat bawah

Otago University
sedikit pasal otago university, uni ni adalah 1 dari 2 med school kat NZ ni. therefore, teaching dia mmg bagus dan dia akan memang jaga standard, so, tak perlulah risau. duduk pun dekat campus dan lifestyle very easy compared to students at other uni in NZ

yang special skit kat sini, program akan dibahagi kepada 2. theory and clinical years. theory 3 tahun akan dibuat di otago university dan clinical years korang ada peluang untuk pindah. so, basically dapat rasa 2 environment yang berbeza which is really interesting.

akan ada health science pada tahun pertama. ini campur dengan student science lain eg. pharm, dent, physio etc.. so, akan dapat byk kawan time tu. second year baru asingkan dengan med student saja.

1) prepare - do a bit research about new zealand. why do you want to come here.? what's your quality that would make us choose you to study in our uni?

sometimes they ask you about islam and solat jumaat, sentuh patient wanita, solat jika ada kelas etc.

2) essay - buat essay bagus2 dan minta tolong cikgu/ member power BI cek kalau eng tak berapa baik. tapi kalau eng gempak, its cool then!

3) advice - interviewer usually very kind and helpful. they just want to know about yourself and what you want to be. thats it. otago uni nye representative interviewer baik..

tanya dia pasal NZ and chillax je..

tu je kot buat masa ni.. kalau ada nak tanya papa lagi feel free to drop me a mesej or 2.. i would be happy to help..

btw, berapa ramai yang apply university ni?

faizul amer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard that Otago is good. So, I hope you get it. :)