Saturday, May 26, 2012

Last Medical Consultation


I know, I know, its been a long time since I last wrote.

Tengok, dah guna bahasa inggeris, hebatlah tuh?

Okay back to the topic. So for the whole first sem, kitorang kena buat medical consultation untuk enam kali. Basically just buat history taking ir direct translatenye 'mengambil sejarah'. Okay hudoh bunyi.

So masa first and second session kitorang kena buat in a group. Bayangkanlahhh, betapa nervousnya aku kena converse in english depan orang-orang aussie ni, dah la english teruk, berterabur, lepas tuh tak faham ape patient cakap.

Btw, for the third till fifth session kitorang buat in pairs, much better! But seriously, before hari jumaat ( since medical consultation hari jumaat ) aku memang nervous habis! Nasib baik air kencing ni aku boleh kawal, kalau tak melelehhh.

Oh and semua medical consultation ni buat dekat John Hunter Hospital, a public hospital but dammmn nice!

And our supervisor Dr Khenrij sangatlah awesome! Suka bercerita, each picture on the wall dekat JHH tuh dia explain.

So just now kitorang punya last medical consultation, sepatutnya dalam jadual 1 jam 30 minit, tapi selalunya exceed 2 hours. And the last one just know buat for 4 hours!!

Gila lamaaa, but this time buat dekat different place. Amaroo Aged Care Facility, tempat orang-orang tua an private. I get a retired catholic priest as my patient, very nice person. Mula2 macam tak tahu nak tanya pasal family ke tak, since aku tau priest mana kahwin, tapi lupa plak depa ada siater and brother.

And yeah, kalini buat individually. 40 minutes with the patient was awesome. After that kitorang pergi Newcastle's Cathedral. At first I have no idea what we gonna have, church kot, pelik ah. And rupa-rupanya Dr Khanrij nak cerita sejaraj church pulakkk, terbaik!

Lepas tuh pergi Newcastle Club, a very vintage and exclussice place! Dr belanja tapi air je, ceh. And I had cole insteas of beer. Ceh

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